The most detailed maps of the seafloor – bathymetric data from coastal and open ocean areas
By Pierre Kosmidis
NCEI compiles, archives, and distributes bathymetric data from coastal and open ocean areas, including acting as the long-term archive for NOAA National Ocean Service (NOS) data collected in support of charting and navigation and as the data management lead for the US Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Project.
NCEI compiles the global ETOPO1 1-minute relief database, coastal relief models for US coastal areas, creates digital elevation models for tsunami inundation research, and stewards gridded topographic data from the GLOBE project.
NCEI participates in numerous international ocean mapping projects, and operates the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Data Center for Digital Bathymetry (IHO DCDB) on behalf of the member nations.